
Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome | Equal Parents Week 2002 | When children are pushed away from parents | LEGISLATION NEEDS TO BE MORE CHILD FRIENDLY | Our Resolutions | IMPORTANT LINKS | Joint custody is better | Fair treatment for dads | Federal goverment proves again how much they don't care about children | Shared Parenting | Parental alienation syndrome | Mother reunited with daughter | Don't take divorce cases, Pope tells lawyers | Splitting up a family was a dirty business | Avoiding court is best defence | Mother who killed baby avoids jail term | Grandparents and Access | Male Suicide Rates | Convention on the Rights of the Child | Best Interest of the Child | Who's Best Interest *(Taken directly From the CBA) | Domestic Violence Against Men | Spanking Law Upheld | Lawyers told to volunteer | A Mother's Story | Lawyerless Litigants Slow Wheels | Schizophrenia linked to childhood sexual abuse | Kids let down by courts? | Board of Directors | Contacting NB C.E.P.A
New Brunswick Children's Equal Parents Association
Shared Parenting

Children Need Both Parents !!!

Separated Families



Shared parenting is a joint parenting arrangement in which children of divorce are given the right by the courts to have both of their parents share in the most equitable manner as possible the responsibilities of caring and raising the children. By having both parents play an active role in the caring of a child, both parents feel like they are a part of the child's life and that neither one of them feels treated like a weekend visitor

Shared parenting has been shown to be in the best long term interests of the child. Psychologists agree that it is important for children to maintain meaningful contact with both their parents whenever possible. Wherever possible, parenting time should be shared on a 50/50 basis.

Statistics reveal that almost all non custodial parents with liberal or equal time with their children voluntary contribute their full share of expenses of the child. Non custodial parents are much happier knowing that they can spend time with their children in an equitable manner. In a shared parenting arrangement, the both parents have expenses they are responsible and accountable for, so both parents feel like they are giving directly to the child rather than the other parent. The children see both parents providing for their care.


Promotes true gender equality between sexes in the parenting of children and recognizes both parents as significant contributors to a child's development.
Significantly reduces conflicts in court as one parent does not feel like they are being treated as a visitor with their own children, or a wallet to their former partner.
The incentive to litigate is reduced as both parents will know that equal parenting will be awarded by the courts. Similar to no fault insurance, the outcome is predictable. As a result families will suffer less financial hardship.
Shared parenting will reduce the financial incentive for families to break up. Fights to get control over the children in order to get support payments is one of the largest single factors in court custody battles today.
Child access problems will be reduced. When both parents know that they have a reasonable share in the lifes of their children there is little motivation to fight. The best way to make peace is to have a fair agreement.
Shared parenting solutions will significantly reduce the abuse of legal system through the use of false allegations against the other party.


Every year in Canada thousands of family members lose their homes, their children, their life savings, their jobs, their future income, and their dignity fighting to win control of the children in court. The assets that a family has worked hard to save prior to divorce end up being spent on mediators, assessors, social workers, real estate agents and the lawyers. In the end the children end up with little if any of the family assets. Some families who lose everything, find themselves living on welfare and a burden to society. Working taxpayers pay for the additional costs.

In many cases court strategies and delays are used by one parent to deliberately prevent the children from seeing the other parent and to force the other parent into financial hardship. Often a custodial or primary-care parent will use their advantage as the primary parent to alienate the children from the other parent to destroy the relationship between the children and the other parent. The loving relationship that a child once shared with two parents is destroyed by one parent seeking revenge on the other parent without any thought of what is in the best interests of the child. Damaging as well is that often the custodial parent does not even allow the children to see the grandparents of the non custodial parent for no other reason except that they are relatives of the spouse they dislike. So many parents and children are hurt.


In recent years there has been a significant withdrawal in the influence that a father has on children in families of divorce. Statistics show that most custodial parents are mothers. On an average the custodial mother spends 80% of the time with the children compared to only 20% with the father. Analysis of these trends result in other alarming statistics that should be of concern to everyone.


Fatherless Homes
- 85% of all children that exhibit behaviour disorders -
- 80% of all rapists motivated with displaced anger -
- 71% of all high school dropouts -
- 85% of all youth in prison -


The most frequent reason for fathers fading from their children's lives is the interference of the mother as well as the failure of the legal and court system to recognize and to understand the importance to children of being parented by both parents. Often access and visitation schedules are not flexible enough to allow children's relationships with both their parents to grow.
Shared Parenting maintains the balanced input from both parents that is needed for proper development. Children as they grow must learn perspectives from both sexes to develop a normal balanced view and to be able to interact with both sexes when they reach adulthood.

* sources of data available upon request