
Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome | Equal Parents Week 2002 | When children are pushed away from parents | LEGISLATION NEEDS TO BE MORE CHILD FRIENDLY | Our Resolutions | IMPORTANT LINKS | Joint custody is better | Fair treatment for dads | Federal goverment proves again how much they don't care about children | Shared Parenting | Parental alienation syndrome | Mother reunited with daughter | Don't take divorce cases, Pope tells lawyers | Splitting up a family was a dirty business | Avoiding court is best defence | Mother who killed baby avoids jail term | Grandparents and Access | Male Suicide Rates | Convention on the Rights of the Child | Best Interest of the Child | Who's Best Interest *(Taken directly From the CBA) | Domestic Violence Against Men | Spanking Law Upheld | Lawyers told to volunteer | A Mother's Story | Lawyerless Litigants Slow Wheels | Schizophrenia linked to childhood sexual abuse | Kids let down by courts? | Board of Directors | Contacting NB C.E.P.A
New Brunswick Children's Equal Parents Association
Our Resolutions

*Parenting plans in Equal Shared parenting is mandatory

* All aspects of finances are looked at.

* The custodial parent is made accountable for lack of access and for the use of child support.

* Child support is based on net income.

*That when changes occur in the non-custodial parents level of income due to financial hardship that support payments be re-assessed i.e. Unemployment, disability, seasonal workers.

* WE recommend that, to deal with intentional false accusations of abuse or neglect, the federal government assess the adequacy of the Criminal Code in dealing with false statements in family law matters and develop policies to promote action on clear cases of mischief, obstruction of justice or perjury. Penalties are imposed on persons affidavits or testimonials where perjury occurs.

* Recognizing the impact of family violence on children, mediation and other non-litigation methods of decision-making should be structured to screen for and identify family violence. Where there is a proven history of violence by one parent toward the other or toward the children, alternative forms of dispute resolution should be used to develop parenting plans only when the safety of the person who has been the victim of violence is assured and where the risk of violence has passed. The resulting parenting plan must focus on parental responsibilities for the children and contain measures to ensure safety and security for parents and children.

* Recognition of the expenses incurred by support payers while caring for their children;

* We recommend that the federal government provide leadership by ensuring that adequate resources are secured in the effort to develop a more child-centered approach to family law policies and practices:

WE recommend that provinces and territories and the relevant professional associations develop accreditation criteria for family mediators and for social workers and psychologists involved in shared parenting assessments.

WE recommend that the attorneys general of Canada and the provinces, along with police forces and police organizations, ensure that all warrants in child abduction matters provide expressly that their application and enforcement are national.

WE recommend that provincial and territorial governments explore a variety of vehicles for increasing public awareness about the impact of divorce on children and, in particular, the aspects of parental conduct upon marriage breakdown that are most harmful to children, and implement such education programs as fully as possible. To the extent practicable, WE recommend that the federal government contribute to such efforts within its own jurisdiction, including the provision of funding .

That section sixteen of The For Sake of the Children Report is used in judicial proceedings when rendering decisions in custody cases.